2024 CAFA Graduation Season | LYCHEN: Life is both a coincidence and an inevitability


On May 1, 2024 CAFA Graduation Season was officially unveiled at CAFA Art Museum. Just as the theme “Direction of the Heart” contains good wishes and sincere expectations for Class of 2024 at CAFA, 2024 CAFA Graduation Season does not only contain their art achievements,  their enthusiasm and perseverance in creation are also reflected, which further conveys the imagination and expectations of young students as they embark on the road to the future.

03 Exhibition View of EPOCH 2.0 at CAFA Art Museum.jpg Exhibition View of EPOCH 2.0 at CAFA Art Museum

02 EPOCH 2.0  Variable dimensions (140005200px, 74009856px), Digital media images, experimental sounds, silicon dioxide.jpgEPOCH 2.0  Variable dimensions (14000*5200px, 7400*9856px)

Digital media images, experimental sounds, silicon dioxide


By LYCHEN, School of City Design at CAFA01 LYCHEN, School of City Design at CAFA.PNG

Q: Please introduce the inspiration and thinking behind your graduation creation.

LYCHEN: My creative inspiration stems from reflections on human identity, consciousness, and the transformative interactions between digital technology and culture. Particularly, in the context of rapid advancements in artificial intelligence, bioengineering, machine algorithms, and brain-computer interfaces, I explore what defines the digital age and the transcendental nature of post-humanism and free will. Through the medium of digital art, I attempt to investigate the reconstruction of life forms and propose the concept of a "digital life worldview," creating a new universe that transcends the boundaries of material theory and organic information.

04 EPOCH 2.0 (details).jpg

05 EPOCH 2.0 (details).jpg

06 EPOCH 2.0 (details).jpgEPOCH 2.0 (details)

The entire work comprises six primary cosmic systems and various phase sub-ecological key groups under their branches. By researching and studying extensive biological, anatomical, and physical theories and literature references, I have drawn, modeled, digitally sculpted, and employed next-generation digital technologies, artificial intelligence algorithms, and deep learning to construct a novel digital ecological universe. In this universe, carbon-based and silicon-based life forms exhibit the pinnacle of biodiversity, forming an ecosystem of reconstructed dimensions—from simple cells to complex hybrid organisms and intelligent entities, showcasing unique ways of coexisting symbiotically with the environment.

07 EPOCH 2.0 (details).jpg

08 EPOCH 2.0 (details).jpg

09 EPOCH 2.0 (details).jpgEPOCH 2.0 (details)

In my creation, I have expanded the understanding of ecology, liberating it from the confines of traditional ecological narratives. By integrating a non-linear narrative form into the circular worldview structure logic, I have incorporated it into a broader and more complex life network. Throughout this process, I utilized speculative narrative structures to depict an entirely new worldview, such as re-imagining textual symbol theories and sound information recognition patterns, thereby reflecting the transformations and human evolution in the real world and discussing the essence of life. 

10 EPOCH 2.0 (details).jpg

11 EPOCH 2.0 (details).jpg

12 EPOCH 2.0 (details).jpg

EPOCH 2.0 (details)

Undoubtedly, the creation of this series of digital works is a multidisciplinary adventure for me, encompassing elements of art, technology, sound, philosophy, and biology. It not only explores the infinite possibilities of life but also delves into reshaping the form of digital art. Through this series of works, I aim to reflect the spirit of decentralization, post-colonial critique, profound insights into free will, and the complex deconstruction of future and synthetic ecology. This represents a bold imagination of the civilized world, inspiring people to reconsider their existential significance and validating the value of transmedia digital art

13 EPOCH 2.0 (details).jpg

14 EPOCH 2.0 (details).jpg

EPOCH 2.0 (details)

Q: When the exhibition was presented at CAFA Art Museum, what feedback have you received?

LYCHEN: During the initial days of the exhibition, it attracted a significant number of both professional and non-professional visitors. They exhibited immense interest in the concept of "civilization." Some visitors discussed the visual impact of the works, while others explored and speculated on the underlying philosophical themes. There were also those who offered their insights and questions regarding the fusion of technology and art within the pieces. Many attendees frequently inquired about my professional background and my reasons for choosing digital art.

15 Exhibition View of EPOCH 2.0 at CAFA Art Museum.jpg

16 Exhibition View of EPOCH 2.0 at CAFA Art Museum.jpgExhibition View of EPOCH 2.0 at CAFA Art Museum

I enjoy standing among the audience, observing their gaze and discussions, and recording these feedback, integrating them into an ecological experiment. For many visitors, the works sparked their interest in digital art and prompted their reflections on the relationship between technology and humanity. They were curious about my creative methods and the underlying logic. I wrote minimal textual introductions for the works, often narrating from the perspective of a third-person life form. By doing so, I aimed to guide audiences of different levels to generate their own interpretations and resonances.

Q: What challenges did you encounter during the creative process, and how did you overcome them?

LYCHEN: The entire creative process was long and filled with challenges, the greatest of which was how to find a balance between artistic expression and technological realization. As early as the end of 2022, I began to delve deeply into deep learning and large models. At that time, obtaining professional guidance and educational resources was not easy. However, through extensive accumulation and persistent research, I eventually overcame the technical difficulties. The subsequent challenge was how to convey my artistic perspectives and creative logic through technological means, which marked the beginning of my exploration into digital art creation.

17 The Creative Process of EPOCH 2.0.jpg

18 The Creative Process of EPOCH 2.0.jpgThe Creative Process of EPOCH 2.0

Throughout this process, I learned various digital technologies, both software and hardware, striving to eliminate barriers in visual and auditory creation. To concretely present complex philosophical thoughts and narrative structures in an artistic form, I read numerous books, studied the creative logic of many foreign artists, and conducted countless experimental creations. Eventually, I found the optimal integration point, ensuring that the works possessed both visual beauty and technical appeal while accurately conveying my thoughts. All of these enabled my works to showcase my unique artistic perspective and creative philosophy. 

19 The Creative Process of EPOCH 2.0.jpg

20 The Creative Process of EPOCH 2.0.jpg

21 The Creative Process of EPOCH 2.0.jpgThe Creative Process of EPOCH 2.0

Moreover, the support from the studio instructors provided me with tremendous encouragement, allowing me to fully commit and pursue excellence. During my creation period in Shenzhen, I personally experienced the boundless possibilities of digital art and witnessed the efforts and innovations of different artists in their respective fields. These experiences enriched my vision and broadened my creative horizons. I began to continuously reflect on and question my own works, attempting to find a balance between personal persistence and external influences. Each piece became an extension of my thoughts, a unique interpretation of the world, and a profound contemplation.

22 The Installation Process of EPOCH 2.0.jpg

23 The Installation Process of EPOCH 2.0.jpgThe Installation Process of EPOCH 2.0

Q: The theme of 2024 CAFA Graduation Season is “Direction of the Heart.” Do you still remember the aspirations you had when you were enrolled? As graduation approaches, how do you feel now? What are your expectations and aspirations for the future?

LYCHEN: As graduation approaches, I am filled with a myriad of emotions. Looking back on this period, it feels as though everything remains as vivid as yesterday. When I enrolled in 2020, I carried an immense curiosity and yearning for art, hoping that through my studies and practice at the Central Academy of Fine Arts, I would create works that are iconic and profoundly meaningful. The dream of becoming an authentic artist has remained unchanged and will continue to be the direction of my efforts in the future.

24 LYCHEN introduced how he researched and created..jpgLYCHEN introduced how he researched and created.

These four years have been a rich and fulfilling artistic journey. Here, I found my creative direction and met many like-minded friends. I received guidance from excellent teachers and companionship from fellow students. Together, we discussed art, shared inspiration, and progressed together. These invaluable friendships and experiences have become some of the most beautiful memories of my life.

25 LYCHEN worked at his studio.jpgLYCHEN worked at his studio. 

Every time I look back on these moments, I am filled with a sense of comfort and gratitude. The hard work and sweat of the past have now transformed into laughter and achievements. Regardless of how the future environment changes or how my mindset evolves, I will always hold fast to my beliefs and stay true to my original aspirations.

Pursuing artistic creation is not just my career; it is also a part of my life. I will carry on this path, enjoying every moment of creation and struggle, and fulfilling my own artistic dream.

Courtesy of LYCHEN (Li Yuchen), edited by CAFA ART INFO.