EGG Gallery presents “Traces of Intelligent & Mechanical Painting”


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EGG Gallery is delighted to present the joint exhibition “Traces of Intelligent & Mechanical Painting” by artists Ge Ziyu and Niki Passath, from 7th September to 23rd October 2019, at No.327, Caochangdi, Chaoyang District, Beijing.

Ge Ziyu

The latest series of work by Ge Ziyu is exploratory. The color choices are simple, yet strong. It is simultaneously the extension of the plane and stereoscopic depth, embodying multiple possibilities. The artist utilises space and light to create visual illusions and fuzzy aesthetic.


Ge Ziyu was born in Anhui, China. Graduated from Donghua University, Oil Painting Department. Studied at China Academy of Fine Arts, Calligraphy Department. Studied under Luancai Jin\Bai Di Bai\ Lu Dadong etc. Now lives and works in Beijing and Wuxi. His works have been exhibited in Walker Art Center, Singapore Contemporary Art Gallery, K11 Art Gallery, Chinese Contemporary Art Museum, Shanghai Himalayan Museum, EGG Gallery, Linda Gallery, PIFO New Art Gallery , HIVE Center for Contemporary Art, etc. In 2018, China Collectors Association- Contemporary Art Collection Committee awarded him the honorary award of “Contemporary Artists with the Most Market Potential in China” at Bird’s Nest. His works are widely collected by art institutions and collectors in the United States, Italy, Britain, Japan, Singapore, Korea, Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan and other countries and regions.

Niki Passath

Since the beginning of the industrial revolution the working human has become more and more accustomed in co-existing with machines. Humans evolved to a non-organic prosthesis of factories. In the beginning, this adaptation was mainly due to the human “hardware”, the organic body. The work was reduced to simple, repetitive movements on the assembly line. What the machine could not do itself became the task of humans.

The promise was that man will not have to work in the future, that machines will make life easier for us. Nevertheless, the social status and identity became more and more dependent on the work one has or does not have.

With the invention of the computer, the machine changed more and more from hardware to software. Machines got a “brain”. Is it still possible at this time that the human is a prosthesis of the machine? Not only connected to the human body, but also as a extension to thinking? It seems that with the desire to create machines that can think like humans, people started to think like machines.

More and more people identify with their work, even if the work is unnecessary and meaningless. What will happen if soon all the manufacturing processes are implemented purely by machines and artificially intelligent systems and robots don’t need any prostheses anymore? What do we do now when the human becomes obsolete?

Niki Passath searches in his artistic creations answers to the mystery of life, the people, their emotions, social behavior, their behavior compared to machines and to the surrounding nature. On this adventurous journey in search for knowledge he touches different disciplines. From robotics to artificial intelligence, from quantum physics to the life sciences. On different research travels through Europe to the Americas, Asia and Australia he is finding answers, which he assembles in kinetic objects, photographs and artistic-scientific configurations. During his artistic performances and interactions, that will also take place at EGG GALLERY,  the artist is engaging in finding and creating robotic traces via paint, visualizing the motions and behaviours of the robotic object.


Niki Passath was born 1977 in Graz, Austria. In 1988, he began with Violoncello studies, in 1995 with Architecture and graduated in 2004 in Digital Art (Peter Weibel, Karel Dudesek, Tom Fürstner) at the University of Applied Arts. He lives and works in Vienna and Graz, Austria.

About the exhibition

“Traces of Intelligent & Mechanical Painting”

Artists: Ge Ziyu and Niki Passath

Duration: 2019.09.07 – 2019.10.23

Venue: Egg Gallery, No.327 Caochangdi, Chaoyang District, Beijing

Courtesy of the artists and Egg Gallery, for further information please visit