ART LABOR Gallery presents "Teleportation" featuring new works by international artists

TEXT:Sue Wang    DATE: 2016.1.25


ART LABOR Gallery is pleased to open the year with a terrific group show featuring a gathering of engaging artists from across the globe. It is composed entirely of inkjet prints, utilizing a technology which allows for freedom of movement across the globe and over borders, to participate in places far from home, no matter the obstacles placed in the way.

This exhibition features brand new art works by several established artists working in the fields of photography, mixed media and paint, all producing pieces through Epson inkjet printing. From Los Angeles, they are very fortunate to show the deeply meaningful work of respected photographic, installation and performance artist and professor Todd Gray, and installation artist Kyungmi Shin with an explosive new wallpaper.

From Amsterdam they are lucky to have American/Holland based Geoffrey Lillemon, deriving several aesthetically unique prints out of his very well received Virtual Reality exhibitions, and known across the globe for designing the on-stage visuals and videos for one of the world’s most famous performers.

Vancouver, Canada sends them the work of three of Canada’s brighter lights: conceptual artist Babak Golkar, who has developed a form-based dialectical investigation into human conditions of contemporary time. They also release a special edition Shunga-styled print by Howie Tsui, who is scheduled to have a solo show at the Vancouver Art Gallery in early 2017. Besides, they have a brand new collage based print by Elizabeth Zvonar, winner of the 2015 VIVA award, one of Canada’s most respected art prizes.

They show 3 new pieces commissioned especially for this event, by the savvy Belgian social media artists Leroy Brothers, derived through world-wide audience participation from their website “Witness Your World”.

Rounding out the show are two favorites, one older and one new, Zimbabwe born Marc Standing, who is producing his first inkjet edition print series for the show, and whose vibrant, thoughtful paintings deal intelligently with memory and individual identity, anthropology, and colonialism.

Lastly, and for the first time, they will show Toronto-based Chinese born photographer Fu Meng, a former award winning news media photographer who now utilizes his own exciting new technological process to produce captivating art works of public space and the daily movement of the population.

About the exhibition

Date: 2016.01.23 Sat - 2016.03.03 Thu

Venue: ART LABOR Gallery

Address: 570 Yongjia lu, Building 4, #411 (ground floor) Shanghai, 200031, CHINA

Artists: Elizabeth Zvonar, Todd Gray, Howie Tsui, Kyungmi Shin, Marc Standing, Fu Meng, Leroy Brothers, Geoffrey Lillemon, Babak Golkar

Courtesy of the artists and ART LABOR Gallery.