Hadrien de Montferrand Gallery showcases Zhang Shujian's recent works in Hangzhou

TEXT:Sue Wang    DATE: 2016.1.19

Poster of Zhang Shujian Hunting Ground

Zhang Shujian intends to depict the universal character traits of the Chinese nation in his latest works. Since his previous solo show, Zhang studied Chinese styling methods to expose the spiritual image of Chinese people using a traditional artistic language. The exhibition includes two series entitled "Skin Weave” and "Fellah".

In the "skin weave" series, every single one of the skin’s details and imperfections are underlined and surreally exaggerated. The visible vessels and pores represent not only the apparent reality, but also the invisible inner truth.

Zhang Shujian, Skin Weave No. 8, 2015; painting

Zhang Shujian, Skin Weave No. 8, 2015; painting

Zhang Shujian, Fellaheen, 2015; painting

Zhang Shujian, Fellaheen, 2015; painting

The word “Fellah” derives from the Arabic word for peasant or agricultural laborer. The German philosopher Spengler adopted this term to describe a formerly glorious nation degenerated by their own wealth and gradually decaying. Inspired by Spengler’s concept combined with his own imagination, Zhang Shujian has created this series to highlight the sharp contrast between the past glories and the present decomposing state of a nation through a sequence of grotesque portraits of individuals.

Zhang Shujian, Fellaheen No. 9, 2015; painting

Zhang Shujian, Fellaheen No. 9, 2015; painting

Zhang Shujian, Fellaheen No. 17, 2015; painting

Zhang Shujian, Fellaheen No. 17, 2015; painting

About the exhibition

Date: Jan 23, 2016 - Feb 29, 2016

Opening: Jan 23, 2016, 15:00, Saturday

Venue: Hadrien de Montferrand Gallery

Courtesy of the artist and Hadrien de Montferrand Gallery.