Graduation Season | the 2nd National Institutions of Art Philosophy and Social Science Development Forum Minutes (Part I)

TEXT:Sue Wang    DATE: 2015.6.24

14 The Group Photo of Honored Guests attended the forum

At 9:00 am on June 18, 2015, Graduation Season | the 2nd National Institutions of Art Philosophy and Social Science Development Forum officially started in the Auditorium of CAFA Art Museum. The forum was directed by the Social Science Department in the Ministry of Education, supported by the National Institutions of Art Research and Innovation Management Collaborative Committee, hosted by China Central Academy of Fine Arts (CAFA), organized by the Research Department of CAFA. This forum is designed to guide the artistic creation to focus on the theme of the times, carrying forward the Chinese spirit, to create more art works with a strong academic depth and cultural height, to promote the development of the prosperity of philosophy and social science in the institutions of art. The forum invited the leaders of institutions of art, directors of creative and scientific research organizations and famous experts across the country, to have an in-depth discussion around the value, method and path of artistic creation as well as to explore the global leading art developing road of Chinese characteristics.

Zhang Donggang: Director of Social Science Department in the Ministry of Education

In the speech, Director Zhang Donggang initially praised the outstanding development of art education in our country: art had become an independent subject, the theme of artistic creation becoming increasingly diverse, the method continuing innovation, and the pattern for cultivating professional art talent had been basically formed. He also affirmed that art and culture played an irreplaceable unique role in the reshaping of the morality and spirit of China, promoting the national cultural soft power. Zhang Donggang talked about the understanding of the dimensionsof the conference theme of “Values, Methods, Paths” from his perspective. In order to explore the modern road of Chinese artistic creation, constructing the modern system of Chinese art education, Zhang Donggang put forward some suggestions: taking root in present life, and beyond life, at the same time closely griping the pulse of the times, to inspire people to think of the change of the times. In addition, he also shared the idea that artistic creation should have the whole world in view, because art could be beyond the regions, religions, languages, we should think about how to choose the development strategy in the pattern of global art development, on the one hand, we should have a sufficient cultural self-confidence, on the other hand, maintaining a positive state of mind.

Zhu Di: Director of the Arts Department in the Ministry of Education

Zhu Di shared gratifying changes in literary and art circles over the past 6 months. At the same time, he pointed out that there were still some problems at present, including ignorance of artistic creation, lack of talent, emphasizing form rather than content in creation, emphasizing market rather than responsibility, emphasizing awards rather than comments. To solve these problems and inefficiencies, Zhu Di conveyed the 6 job requirements which were put forward by Minister Luo Shugang in the National Art Creation Working Conference: firstly, firmly grasping the essence and intrinsic request of socialismin literature and art and adhering to the creative direction centered on people. Secondly, cultivating and practicing the socialism core values while vigorously carrying forward the spirit of China. Thirdly, considering artistic creation as the central task so releasing more excellent works of the times. Fourthly, always adhering to put social benefit first, further enhancing the responsibility and mission of the people who are engaged in art. Fifthly, strengthening the training of art personnel, to build an art team with moral and artistic qualities. Sixthly, thorough the reform of the cultural system, create a good environment for the flourishing development of an art career.

Fan Di’an: President of China Central Academy of Fine Arts (CAFA)

President Fan Di’an talked about the two distinctive features of Chinese institutions of art and the 3 ideas.

Among them, the 2 distinctive features included: firstly, for the overlapping of the two identities of teacher and famous artist, it had a prominent advantage in the social impact and academic accumulation. Secondly, in the whole art ecosystem, the creation of the institutions of art pursued the support of the academic tradition. It had its own standard of academic quality, level, and especially character, including historical consciousness, cultural feelings, art experiences and academic accomplishments.He put forward the 3 ideas including: firstly, strengthening the creative organization, respecting the law of artistic creation while strengthening the construction of the related organizations. Secondly, it should actively encourage teachers and students to set up their own bases throughout life. Thirdly, strengthening of the construction of basic theory, to promote the art criticism thus forming a good relationship with art creation.

Hou Guangming: Party Secretary of Beijing Film Academy

Hou Guangming talked about the development strategy of Beijing Film Academy, and the 3 new subjects of the development in the future. The development strategies included: firstly, the art view of education which played an important role in the training of the ability ofartistic creation. Secondly, highlighting the personnel training of the artistic creation ability. The 3 new subjects included: firstly, national strategic plan of the Belt and Road initiatives which rebuilt the international strategy. Secondly, it was necessary to apply internet thinking in considering things and deepen the distribution of disciplines. Thirdly, we had to answer the question by Qian Xuesen, on how to cultivate Chinese masters in accordance with the law of the development of the Chinese industrial chain and the law of the personnel training in China.

Han Sheng: President of Shanghai Theater Academy

Han Sheng introduced the planning of the new campus at Shanghai Theater Academy and the professional cooperation between the academy and the industrial enterprises in detail. Han Sheng said it was necessary to build a new ecology for art education because art wholly faced the industrial chain and professional art which could not be finished by one man any more, no one could dominated the industry, academy education increasingly saw the significance of a professional subdivision. Mature companies also demanded a more profound professional quality, so academy education needed to be specialized and wider.

Liu Weidong: President of Nanjing University of the Arts

Liu Weidong gave a speech talking about how to play the advantages of the fusion of the one-hundred-year university and the comprehensive advantage that had helped the establishment of experimental art. Nanjing University of the Arts always adhered to everything which was driven by problems and then choose the theme for creation, mutual cooperation between teachers and students which is achieved through the creative practice subjects, to cultivate students’ creative ability. Liu Weidong pointed out that the comprehensive disciplines were the biggest advantage of Nanjing University of the Arts, where teachers from different disciplines such as music, art, design, media, as well as the cultural industry college, could gather together to have a discussion, to look for the possibility for the expression of the same theme, and then to find a possibility to express this kind of idea. Starting from a concept to the final presentation, it was a process of creation, experiment and innovation, which did not only exercise the students’ creative skills but also cultivated the students’ thinking habits.

Text by Zhang Wenzhi, Yu Ya, Photo by Xu Fan/CAFA ART INFO

Translated by Chen Peihua and edited by Sue/CAFA ART INFO