A4 Contemporary Arts Center announces "∞Ω – Absolute Infinite Game" opening June 20 in Chengdu

TEXT:Sue Wang    DATE: 2015.6.17

Poster of ∞Ω-Absolute Infinite Game

Among the limited contains the infinite, and the infinite must exist through the limited, the complicated concept is concentrated in a group exhibition.

About the curator

Fu Xiaodong is an independent curator and young critic based in Beijing. She is the Art Director of Space Station – an art center founded by her in 2009 to promote experimental art programs – and the Executive Chief Editor of the magazine – Fine Arts Literature. She once taught in the Lu Xun Academy of Fine Art and worked as an editor for many professional art magazines, such as Mei Yuan, Contemporary Art News and Art China. She was also the Art Director of T Space in Beijing. Since 2003, she has organized several contemporary art exhibitions for art museums, art centers, galleries and other art institutions in Beijing, Shanghai, and Shenzhen, including: "Homesickness - Memory and Virtual Reality", "Chinese Freedom : Contemporary Artistic Text in the Post-Totalitarianism Society", "NEW VISTA - The Phenomenon of Post-Tradition in Contemporary Art", "New Interface", "Removing The Ladder", "Insomnia" photographs exhibition, "Blackboard", "Out of Love", and others. In addition, she has been writing for various medias and been invited to be the judge for several international young artists competitions. Fu Xiaodong was born in Shenyang in 1977. She graduated from the Lu Xun Academy of Fine Art with a master degree and then went to study Art History and Theory in China Central Academy of Fine Arts. She was invited to the Art Institute of Peking University as a visiting scholar and to 24 HR ART as a visiting curator in Australia. Currently, she is working on the "Triennial of Fine Arts Literature" and the contemporary art section of "Get it louder".

About the exhibition

Art Director: Sunny Sun

Curator: Fu Xiaodong

Artists: Dong Dawei, Gao Ruyun, Raven Kwok & Kelly Michael Fox, Lin Ke, Wu Juehui, Wang Lingjie & Hao Jingfang, Wang xin

Organizer: A4 Contemporary Arts Center

Opening Party: 15:00(Sat.)20th June, 2015

Time: From 20th June, 2015 to 20th September, 2015

Venue: Luxetown 18# Section 2, Luxehills Boulevard, Shuangliu, Chengdu, China

Courtesy of the artists and A4 Contemporary Arts Center.