The Graduation Exhibition of CAFA 2013 in its Fourth Round: School of Architecture on View at CAFA

TEXT:Sue Wang    DATE: 2013.6.7

01 The Graduation Exhibition of CAFA 2013 in its Fourth Round School of Architecture

The Graduation Exhibition of CAFA 2013 in its Fourth Round: School of Architecture displays on the 2nd, 4th, 7th of building 7 on June 1st through to June 9th, 2013. It features the works by 97 students from nine studios, displaying the division of the studios, through which, clearly reflected are the various teaching styles and achievements of different studios.

When interviewed by a journalist from CAFA ART INFO, Professor Lv Pinjing, Dean of the School of Architecture said the overall level of the graduates 2013 had increased, due to the efforts of the students and the delicate teaching organization of the teachers. He also said, seeing the graduation exhibition, he found students were increasingly paying attention to it, which was consistent with the teaching ideas that the exhibition was an important part of teaching in the School of Architecture. As for the standard in judging and selecting outstanding works, Lv said, the excellent works of every studio would initially be selected, to be recommended to the school, secondly all the judges organized by the school would select “the best of the best” of the nominated works.

The School of Architecture of CAFA was the first architectural school jointly established by the well-known plastic art academy and large scale architectural design institute, the perfect combination of the broad and profound artistic background of CAFA and the powerful platform of practice of the Beijing Institute of Architectural Design, creating a new architectural teaching mode, opened up a broad prospect for the development of the School of Architecture, which currently has established a total of five instructor studios, as well as several teaching and research classrooms for the architectural foundation, architectural design, environmental design, architectural history and theory, architectural technology, etc., as well as the support of the technique platform composed of the labs of model, woodworking, construction, materials, physics, and computer, etc.

In addition, the Graduation Exhibitions of the Departments of Printmaking and Mural are about to be on view at the underground exhibition hall and multifunctional hall, so stay tuned.

Text and photo by Yu Ya/CAFA ART INFO

Translated by Sophia and edited by Sue/CAFA ART INFO