Xiao Jiang's Solo Exhibition "Sign for an Inexistent River" at Platform China

TEXT:Sue Wang    DATE: 2013.1.9

01 Poster of Sign for an Inexistent River

This solo exhibition presents Xiao Jiang’s works from the past two years. Most of the works may refer to by gone events. Regardless of whether we’re looking at a scene happening in “this moment” or “another moment” (present or in the past), it inevitably becomes a reference, which confronts and magnifies sensitive issues.

This process might contradict memory, and perhaps even replace memory altogether. References lose their importance and are replaced by a space of timelessness, certain things have changed, others have remained the same, but have struck a chord in the viewers’ hearts.

The artist wishes to create a kind of scene with neither narrator nor narrative to force the spectator to forge his own point of view, scepticism, analysis, and make up the missing parts of the image. The damaged nature of the image enables the viewer to take the initiative to reflect on the work and recreate the missing fragments himself.

The series of images work like a diary of the artist’s life, or a close-up shot in a film presenting a complete ideology and social context. The crude and careless objects represented in the works create such a strong contrast that the image’s content seems insignificant. Perhaps the simple subject matter might arouse to investigate whether the scene is meaningful or not. But in the event that no genuine emotion in relation to painting is revealed, then how can we appraise the value of art?

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About the exhibition

Exhibition Date: December 15, 2012 through January 30. 2013

Venue: Platform China, Beijing

Address: No. 319-1, East End Art Zone A, Caochangdi Village, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100015

T: +86 10 6432 0091

F: +86 10 6432 0169

Courtesy of the artist and Platform China, for further information please visit www.platformchina.org.