Xu Bing: Book from the Ground to be Presented at Shanghai Gallery of Art

TEXT:Sue Wang    DATE: 2012.3.27

Xu Bing, Book from the Ground, Mixed media, (2003–ongoing) exhibited at Courier, the group exhibition at University Art Museum

Xu Bing, Book from the Ground, Mixed media, (2003–ongoing) exhibited at Courier, the group exhibition from Oct. 5th through Dec. 4th, 2010 at University Art Museum

Book from the Ground is a novel written in a ‘language of icons’ that I have been collecting and organizing over the last few years. Regardless of cultural background, one should be able to understand the text as long as one is thoroughly entangled in modern life.

Xu Bing has written in the brief introduction on Book from the Ground.

Xu Bing is a prominent figure in the global contemporary art world, and one of the giants of Chinese contemporary art. His early groundbreaking re-interpretation of Chinese characters, Chinese calligraphy and printing history, and his engagement with the installation medium, re-defined the way many subsequent Chinese artists approached their aesthetic traditions. A recipient of the prestigious MacArthur Fellowship, he has shown at numerous important exhibition spaces worldwide, including The New Museum of Contemporary Art, New York, the Joan Miro Foundation in Spain, and the 45th, and 51st Venice Biennials, among others.

Xu Bing’s exhibition at Albion Gallery, London

Xu Bing’s exhibition at Albion Gallery, London

Screen Shot of Xu Bing's "Book from the Ground"

Screen Shot of Xu Bing's "Book from the Ground"

Xu Bing's Book from the Ground

Xu Bing's Book from the Ground

This solo exhibition of Xu Bing  will coincide with the publication of his new work, Book from the Ground, a book that tells stories through the icons common in our contemporary experience. This work continues Xu’s longstanding interest in the link between the written symbol and visual communication. The exhibition will highlight the text; showcasing works made in conjunction with the book, and will show previous pieces which reveal the history of Xu’s engagement with these themes.

Website of Xu Bing Studio: http://xubing.com/

About the Exhibition

Dates: 2012.04. 21-05.29

Venue: Shanghai Gallery of Art

Add: 3rd Floor, No.3, the Bund, Shanghai 200002, China

Tel: 86-21-63215757, 86-21-63233355*8758

Fax: 86-21-53500059

Email: gr@on-the-bund.com