Interrogation: The First Round Exhibition of SO Art Group

TEXT:Sue Wang    DATE: 2012.3.13

Wang Guozhao-The Multitude 01

This is the first exhibition of the SO Art Group that has five members who have studied under the guidance of Su Xinping, Wang Huaxiang, Zhou Jirong and Li Fan at the Department of Printmaking, CAFA. It showcases the life and creative experiences after their graduation from 2006 to 2011. With their works, life photos, literature in art, writing and other forms, it combines and presents the lives and creations of these five artists as an organic whole to explore how these young art practitioners have grown from undergraduates to individuals with their own independent artistic creations, how they coordinate their creations and lives, how they persisted with their own artistic viewpoint when affected by external factors.

From the perspective of the academic director and curator of this exhibition who are both renowned artists and firm practitioners of art education. The five members of this artistic group SO on the one hand were their students and have been influenced by them while on the other hand, they represent their own independent points of view in art. Their tutors have been the closest witnesses to the process of the formation of their own ideas. Taking five of their most familiar works to exemplify their skill will take their study to the maximum level, close to reality. These vie with different types of cases that inspire other young artists, people who are engaged in art education and those who are concerned with the training of young artists.

For the five members of this art group, Interrogation can be taken as a transformation from individuals to a group with a common ideal in art. On the one hand, the summary on their previously independent creations, with which they share their own experience, access and errors with the audience; on the other hand, it commences the beginning of their journey to seek common ground while reserving their differences during their joint creations. Curated by their respectable teachers, this exhibition is a starting point from their alma mater which has a special significance for them.

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?Preface by Li Fan

With their different styles, the five young artists stick to “painting” for five years following on from their satisfaction at the academy to a tough life after their graduation, from hopeful persistence to doubts about their previous endeavor. They suffered nervous and uneasy decisions along this path of growth. Circumstances conflicted with the inner heart while artistic phenomena contradicted with their artistic ideals. The behavior of the star artists embarrassed their persistence and they felt confused about the social orientation of art. Although it is a personal matter to choose “painting” they cannot stand the pestilential atmosphere that so many “artists” suffer who attach themselves to the bigwigs in art to become celebrities after their five years since graduation.

Thus they choose a relatively simple environment, a relatively academic atmosphere, a relatively plain venue for their exhibition. For the time being they would like to shield themselves from the so-called “popularity" to showcase their experiments during different stages in the five years. They hope they can encourage their junior followers with their real process of growth and get sharp guidance from masters of the Central Academy of Fine Arts.

We sincerely wish for an authentic attitude and genuine communication among cordial people during this exhibition.

Thus we “interrogate”…

The Image of SO ART GROUP

Introductions on SO Art Group

It consists of five undergraduates from the Department of Printmaking, the Central Academy of Fine Arts. Members: Shi Haopeng, Qin Guanwei, Xu Hongxiang, Wang Guozhao and Wu Haonan. Their works focus on art-based activities in the nature of creation. Each separate creation of SO was planned by team members and participated in by them except for the documentary exhibition. The core philosophy of their creations lies in “Persistence in Being Not Consistence”.

Interrogation: The First Round Exhibition of SO Art Group

Curator: Li Fan

Artists: Shi Haopeng, Qin Guanwei, Xu Hongxiang, Wang Guozhao and Wu Haonan

Venue: the Art Museum of the Central Academy of Fine Arts

Dates: March 26, 2012 --April 8th, 2012

Opening: 15:00 March 26th, 2012

Symposium on Interrogation

Academic Director: Su Xinping

Location: the Art Museum of the Central Academy of Fine Arts

Time: 10:00 March 26th, 2012