Artists Historians Curators

Lu Peng

Portrait of Lü Peng

Lu Peng is Director of Institutions of CHINART and Associate Professor in the Department of Art History and Theory at the China Academy of Art in Hangzhou, Zhejiang province. Born in 1956 in Chongqing, Sichuan province, Professor Lu graduated from the Political Education Department of Sichuan Normal University in 1982 and was awarded a PhD in critical theory from the China Art Academy in 2004. Lu Peng was chief editor of the journal Theatre and Film from 1982-85, and also served as Vice-secretary of the Sichuan Dramatists Society from 1986-91. He subsequently held the position of executive editor at the magazine Art and Market from 1990—93, and in 1992 he served as artistic director of the Guangzhou Biennale (officially titled the First Guangzhou Biennial Art Fair). His most recent curatorial achievements include “A Gift to Marco Polo ”(Venice Biennale, 2009), which showcased eight of China’s most prominent contemporary artists, and “Reshaping History” (Beijing, 2010), a massive exposition presenting more than 2,000 works by nearly 200 of the most innovative Chinese artists of the first decade of the 21st century. He curated “2011 Art Changsha”; Chief Curator and also Curator of contemporary art exhibition of 2011 Chengdu Biennale; Curator of "Pure Views: New Painting from China" in Louise Blouin Foundation in London in 2010; Curator of "Pure Views: New Painting from China" in Asia Art Museum in San Francisco in 2011; Curator of "Pure Views – New Paintings from China: Traditions Reactivated" in Fukuoka Asian Art Museum in Japan in January, 2013; Curator (cooperating with Achille Bonito Oliva) of "Passage to History 20 Years" of the special invitation exhibition of Venice Biennale in May, 2013; Curator of "Pure Views – Transforms of Chinese Contemporary Art" in Arts Santa Monica in Barcelona in July, 2013; And also Curator of many solo exhibitions of China's contemporary art.

Lu Peng’s extensive publications include: Modern European Aesthetics of Painting, (Lingnan Fine Arts Press, 1989); Modern Painting: New Imagery Language, (Shandong Literature and Art Press, 1987); Art – Revelation of Man, (Lingnan Fine Arts Press, 1990); (with Yi Dan) Twentieth-Century Art Culture (Hunan Fine Arts Press, 1990); Critique of Modern Art and Culture, (Sichuan Fine Arts Press, 1992); (with Yi Dan) History of China Modern Art: 1979-1989, (Hunan Fine Arts Press, 1992); The Operation of Art (Chengdu Publishing House, 1994); History of China Modern Art: 1990-1999 (Hunan Fine Arts Press, 2000); Pure Views Remote from Streams and Mountain: Chinese Landscape Painting in the 10th - 13th Centuries (Chinese People’s University Press, 2004); A History of Art in Twentieth-Century China (Peking University Press, 2006); Artists in Art History (Hunan Fine Arts Press, 2008); A History of Art in Twentieth-Century China (Revised Edition, Peking University Press, 2008); China Contemporary Art in the Historical Process and Market Trends (Peking University Press, 2010); A History of Art in Twentieth-Century China (English Edition, Charta Press, Italy, 2010); China's Art History from 1979[coauthor Yi Dan] (China Youth Publishing House, 2011), Annals of China's Fine Arts: 1900-2010, Document of China's Contemporary Art History [collaborating with Kong Lingwei] (China Youth Publishing House, 2012), Fragmented Reality – Contemporary Art in 21st-Century (Charta Press in 2012). A History of Art in 20th-Century China (English and French edition published by Somogy Publishing House, 2013). How to Learn and Study Art History (Beijing University Press, 2013), China's Contemporary Art History: 2000-2010 (Shanghai People's Publishing House, 2014), Collections of Lu Peng (Beiyue Literature & Art Publishing House, 2015).

Lu Peng is also a translator into Chinese of Western texts on art. Among his major published translations are: Herschel B. Chipp, Selected Letters of Paul Cezanne (Sichuan Fine Arts Press, 1986; 2nd edition: Guangxi Normal University Press, 2003; 3rd edition: Chinese People’s University Publishing House, 2004); W. Kandinsky, The Spirit in Art, (Sichuan Fine Arts Press, 1986); Kenneth Clark, Landscape into Art, (Sichuan Fine Arts Press, 1988); and various critical writings on Paul Cezanne, Vincent Van Gogh and Paul Gauguin.

Courtesy of Lu Peng and CAFA ART INFO.