Cardi Gallery presents "40 Balls" featuring new drawings by Richard Serra in Milan


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Installation view ? 2022 Cardi Gallery. Photo: Paolo Regis

Cardi Gallery presents an exhibition featuring 40 new drawings by leading American artist Richard Serra in Milan. Widely known for his iconic large-scale, site-specific sculptures, Serra has developed a consistent drawing practice throughout his long career, producing works that are immediate and fundamental in their line of investigation and mark making. Operating intuitively within the constraints of established criteria, the artist has been using black paint stick (compressed oil paint, wax, and pigment) since 1971 as his medium of choice.

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Installation view ? 2022 Cardi Gallery. Photo: Paolo RegisRichard Serra, Ball 17 (2021) and Ball 18 (2021). Paint stick, etching ink and silica on handmade paper. ? Richard Serra. Courtesy Cardi Gallery, Milan. Photo Rob McKeever..jpgRichard Serra, Ball 17 (2021) and Ball 18 (2021). Paint stick, etching ink and silica on handmade paper. ? Richard Serra. Courtesy Cardi Gallery, Milan. Photo: Rob McKeever.

While integral to the key concerns of time, materiality and process that characterise his sculptural practice, Serra's drawings are not sketches, studies or precursors to the sculptures. They are works in their own right, each exuding a singular character and energy while defying any metaphorical or emotive associations.

'Your eye is a muscle, you have to keep it in shape and the more you draw, the more you see.'

—Richard Serra

One of the most significant artists of his generation, he has produced large-scale, site-specific sculptures for architectural, urban, and landscape settings spanning the globe, from Iceland to New Zealand.

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Richard Serra by Cristiano Mascaro

Born in 1938 in San Francisco, Richard Serra lives and works in New York and on the North Fork ofLong Island. Serra attended the University of California, Berkeley before transferring to the University of California, Santa Barbara graduating with a BA in English literature; he then studied painting at YaleUniversity, New Haven, Connecticut completing both a BFA and MFA. He began showing with Leo Castelli in 1968, and his first solo exhibition in New York was held at the Leo Castelli Warehouse the following year. His first solo museum exhibition was held at the Pasadena Art Museum, California, in 1970.Serra's sculptures and drawings have been celebrated with two retrospectives at the Museum of Modern Art, New York, twenty years apart: Richard Serra/Sculpture (1986) and Richard Serra Sculpture: FortyYears(2007). He has had solo exhibitions at the Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam (1977–78); Kunsthalle Tübingen, Germany (1978); Staatliche Kunsthalle Baden-Baden, Germany (1978); Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen, Rotterdam, Netherlands (1980, 2014, and 2017); Centre Pompidou, Paris (1983–84);Museum Haus Lange, Krefeld, Germany (1985); Louisiana Museum, Humleb?k, Denmark (1986);Westf?lisches Landesmuseum für Kunst und Kulturgeschichte, Münster, Germany (1987); St?dtische Galerie im Lenbachhaus, Munich (1987); Stedelijk Van Abbe museum, Eindhoven, Netherlands (1988); Bonnefantenmuseum, Maastricht, Netherlands (1990); Kunsthaus Zürich (1990); CAPC Musée d'Art Contemporain, Bordeaux, France (1990); Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía, Madrid (1992); Kunstsammlung Nordrhein-Westfalen, Düsseldorf, Germany (1992); Dia Center for the Arts, New York(1997); Centro de Arte Hélio Oiticica, Rio de Janeiro (1997–98); Trajan's Market, Rome (1999–2000);Pulitzer Arts Foundation, St. Louis (2003); and Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Napoli, Naples, Italy(2004).

In 2005, The Matter of Time (1994–2005), a series of eight large-scale works, was installed permanently at the Guggenheim Museum Bilbao, Spain. For Monumenta 2008, the major site-specific installation Promenade was shown at the Grand Palais, Paris. Three years later the large-scale, site-specificsculpture 7 was permanently installed opposite the Museum of Islamic Art in Doha, Qatar. A major travelling retrospective dedicated to Serra's drawings was presented at the Metropolitan Museum ofArt, New York, San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, and the Menil Collection, Houston (the organising venue), from 2011 to 2012.

In 2014 the Qatar Museums Authority presented a two-venue retrospective survey of Serra's work, and East-West/West-East (2014) was permanently installed in the Brouq Nature Reserve, Zekreet, Qatar. In 2017 the Museum Wiesbaden, Germany, presented Richard Serra: Props, Films, Early Works; an overview of Serra's work in film and video was shown at the Kunstmuseum Basel; and recent drawings were featured at the Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen.Serra has participated in numerous major international exhibitions, including Documenta (1972, 1977,1982, and 1987), and the Biennale di Venezia (1980, 1984, 2001, and 2013), and his work has beenincluded in many Whitney Annuals and Biennials (1968, 1970, 1973, 1977, 1979, 1981, 1995, and 2006). He is the recipient of the Leone d'Oro for lifetime achievement, Biennale di Venezia, Venice (2001); Orden Pour le Mérite für Wissenschaften und Künste, Federal Republic of Germany (2002); Orden de las Artes ylas Letras de Espa?a, Spain (2008); President's Medal, Architectural League of New York (2014); Chevalierde l'Ordre national de la Légion d'honneur, Republic of France (2015); and J. Paul Getty Medal (2018).

About the exhibition


Dates: March 30 - August 05, 2022

Venue: Cardi Gallery Milan

Courtesy of Richard Serra and Cardi Gallery.