Independent Art Spaces announces its forth edition beginning on September 6



Independent Art Spaces (IAS) is pleased to announce its fourth edition from 6 – 8 September 2019. This year, IAS festivities begin at Aotuspace on 6 September with the launch of the IAS MAP 2019, and continue over the weekend (7 – 8 September) with a series of professional development workshops hosted at I: project space. There are 24 domestic spaces and 10 international spaces from Germany, Australia, Switzerland and Japan participating in this year’s festival.

About Independent Art Spaces

Independent Art Spaces (IAS) is a network that seeks to unite Beijing’s patchwork of alternative, non-profit and non-commercial galleries in the spirit of sharing knowledge and purpose. Each year, Independent Art Spaces selects a different theme for public events towards the end of summer.

Beijing is the petri dish for a growing network of new and alternative art platforms in all sorts of environments: From the small alleyways in the city’s hutongs, to programs in artists’ studios, to exhibitions in private apartments and spaces in residential buildings in various parts of the city. Characterized by strong conceptual approaches, open dialog and by incorporating parts of the city in which art could flourish away from the predetermined art zones, these spaces have merged into a network of dynamic art exchanges making new contributions to the progress of the discourses of contemporary art in China. This broad spectrum of programs is mirrored, archived and made publicly accessible by Independent Art Spaces.

List of Participating Spaces

Local Spaces: Aotuspace, Arrow Factory, A2 space, Bunker, Cache Space, De Art Center, DRC No.12, Institute for Provocation (IFP), I pai Hutong, I: project space, Minority Space, Mutual Art Lab, NON SPACE, PLATE SPACE, PPPP, Q-space, Alchemy in Residential Area, Salt Projects, Social Sensibility R&D Department, TELESCOPE, Video Bureau, Wu Jin, zapbeijing, 706 space 706

International Spaces: Aphids (AUS), EVBG (GER), Hamlet (CH), Kreuzberg Pavillon / Project Space Festival Berlin (GER), Longtang (CH), Liquid Architecture (AUS), Mumei (JP), Ongoing project (JP), Paradise AIR (JP), West Space (AUS)

The official opening and celebration of the independent art scene at Aotuspace in Beijing:

September 6th  Aotuspace at 19:00

Address: Beixinqiao Toutiao Nr. 67, Dongcheng District

Courtesy of Independent Art Spaces (IAS).