Being 3 Gallery presents “Unlimited – Zhu Xiaodi Solo Show” in Beijing

TEXT:Sue Wang    DATE: 2017.11.27

Being 3 Gallery is proud to present “Unlimited—Zhu Xiaodi Solo Show”. Zhu Xiaodi's artistic practice has shown the theme of “Unlimited” to us by his dualidentity of architect and artist with double readability, where "Tolerance" is related to space. In the exhibition hall named "Church" metaphor in the gallery, Zhu Xiaodi applies the elements of light, line, and shadow to endow the notion of “Tolerance is a virtue” with a symbol—a limited space to define physical sensibility (a square with six sides of the original church space), which opens a state starting from tangible materiality to intangible spirituality through the spiritual appeal from element combination by artistic structure. Personal in-situation feeling brings about a kind of touch far beyond the formal display of art. Specifically, language is generated from on-site situation and structures to strike heartstrings and work wonders ... Art is the inherent competency of ability, energy, signifier and talent of an artist, which taps the capacity of opening the door of mind amidst the existence of material.

"Trace" in Zhu Xiaodi 's Chinese ink painting awakens the matter (paper) attached to nib by the movement of lines. In the echo of mind to matter, the trace of mind and matter is presented. Behind Zhu Xiaodi’s Chinese ink painting, there is an original occurrence of a set of intrinsic natures and a unique way of artistic creation. Neither the description of objective things nor the performance of subjective images, art is a manifestation given birth by the intercourse of mind and matter. Artworks are produced by the merging of various possible elements of fate.

“Unlimited” Space/Ink Painting Art exhibition is Zhu Xiaodi's latest art experiment, as Zhu Xiaodi himself has expressed that “Art cannot be the same as before", whereas the elements of the exhibition contain the collusion by creator, interpreter, and reader. Inthat way, are we still reading as before? Can we feel and get immersed in the deep meaning of painting works? Zhu Xiaodi 's catalog shown together at this exhibition will provide you with a reference and help to understand the"Unlimited" Exhibition.

Due to his multiple identities as an architect and artist, Zhu xiaodi has focused on the development of contemporary art and architecture for a long time. By using this exhibition as an opportunity, Sponsor will invite outstanding academics, artists, architects and other guests to host an academic seminar with macro significance and value. Multi-field of Vision: an academic seminar: Discussion on Architecture, Ink painting, and Contemporary Art. Look forward to colliding with more constructive sparks in the intersection of multiple perspectives.

About the exhibition

Dates: Dec 15, 2017 — Feb 18, 2018

Opening: Dec 15, 15:00

Venue: Being 3 Gallery

Courtesy of the artist and Being 3 Gallery.