Pearl Lam Galleries presents a group exhibition featuring five artists in Hong Kong

TEXT:Sue Wang    DATE: 2017.1.20

Pearl Lam Galleries is pleased to present MICROCOSM/MACROCOSM, a group exhibition featuring works by five leading contemporary artists: Du Zhenjun, Sayaka Ishizuka, Li Tianbing, Hew Locke, and Ren Ri. Defined by ancient Greek philosophers, microcosm and macrocosm are two aspects of a theory used to describe the similarity and relations between human beings and the universe. Each exhibiting artist encapsulates an imaginary universe from macroscopic and microscopic perspectives in their unique methodologies and mediums.

"Art is a re-creation of the universe from a personal perspective; it offers man, in effect, a new reality to contemplate."

—Leonard Peikoff, 1991

Du Zhenjun's Babel World series explores his imagination and visions of post-dystopian ruins, and is an artist's retort to what Du thinks the world is becoming. Du believes digital media is the most relevant way of making art in an era shaped by digital technologies. With the myth of Babel as a backdrop, Du reinterprets the Book of Genesis in the present day by creating a digitally assembled collage, spotlighting a different facet of modern conflict.

Ren Ri achieves his artistic goal with the unique medium of beeswax. By investigating the psychology of bees, Ren's mesmerising sculptures document his intimate experience with bees as both an artist and a beekeeper. He manipulates the movement of bees and the formation of honeycombs to create metaphysical and hybrid sculptures, revealing both the force of nature and consequences of human intervention.

Sayaka Ishizuka's artistic practice is greatly influence by Japanese Shinto tradition, which incorporates the belief that nature and spirituality are intertwined. Ishizuka is especially sensitive to small, commonplace objects that are embedded with stories and histories of lived cultures.

Collage and assemblage are characteristics of Hew Locke's wide-ranging practice. Locke delves deeply into the history behind the objects he uses in his art. Unifying this knowledge with his creative vision, Locke creates pieces that stand at a crossroads of cultures, mediums, and historic references. By incorporating found objects such as toys and cheap jewellery, and combining them with certificates and photographs, Locke examines issues of power and identity, and the way that memory is connected with these constructed concepts.

Personal memories and socio-cultural context are significant elements in Li Tianbing's works. Li explores the thin line between fiction and reality and the lingering effects of painful childhood memories under political oppression. His oil paintings include many ideas related to personal identity.

About the exhibition

Dates: 20 January–3 March, 2017

Venue: Pearl Lam Galleries

Address: No. 1, G/F & 1/F, SOHO 189, 189 Queen's Road West, Sheung Wan