China Millennium Monument Going to Feature “Computer Art 20 Years 1993-2013”

TEXT:Sue Wang    DATE: 2014.12.16

Professor Zhang Jun (left), GaoZhanxiang, Minister of the Department of Culture (right) and Jin Shangyi, President of CAFA at the 1993 Computer Art Exhibition

Professor Zhang Jun (left), GaoZhanxiang, Minister of the Department of Culture (right) and Jin Shangyi, President of CAFA at the 1993 Computer Art Exhibition

On April 11, 1993, the Beijing Youth Daily published a set of articles under the banner headline of “1993 Computer Art is Striding”. In the same year, the Computer Art Studio of CAFA was set up, and the “1993 Computer Art Exhibition” was held. After 20 years, how is the seed that was sown that year blossoming? What kind of opportunity and challenge does the CG production in China encounter?

Jointly hosted by the Art Committee of China Artists Association, Beijing Association for Digital Science and Technology Popularization and China Millennium Monument Museum of Digital Arts, “Computer Art 20 1993-2013” exhibition will be open at China Millennium Monument Museum of Digital Arts from December 20 to December 28, 2014.

The exhibition invited the maker of the earliest three-dimensional opening of “CCTV News”, the author of “The Similar” which initially used a computer to contribute to the production, the organizer of the first domestic computer art painting exhibition, the first person to organize a flash mob in China, the statements from older people on the TV column packaging, as well as the teachers and students from China Academy Award, International Center for Collaborative Innovation and Promotion of New Media, CAFA, the Academy of Arts & Design, Tsinghua University, China Academy of Art, Peking University, Beijing University of Technology, Beijing Union University, Communication University of China, Beijing Institute of Graphic Printing, Beijing Institute of Fashion Technology, College of Digital Arts, Shanghai University, in addition to several artists and companies such as Shenyang Four-Dimensional Digital Technology Co., Ltd., Mei Shi from Beijing art mtm, Chongqing Deep Blue Digital Workshop, Shenzhen Digital Tiger Animation Technology Co., Ltd., etc., coming together to review and showcase the audience the new face of Chinese visual art which is introduced by computer art.

On April 11, 1993, the Beijing Youth Daily published a set of articles under the banner headline of “1993 Computer Art is Striding”

On April 11, 1993, the Beijing Youth Daily published a set of articles under the banner headline of “1993 Computer Art is Striding”

Computer Art is a word distinguished from Computer Music. The related nouns include Computer Graphic Design (CG) and Media Art. In a broad sense, it includes the conceptual artistic installation involved using acomputer, electronic publishing, electronic games, various designs, website construction, exhibition display, architectural roaming, artistic anatomy, film and television production, digital art museum, etc. 20 years ago, when we used the 286, 386, it was impossible for us to imagine IT technology would change every aspect of human life, such as we surf the net from morning till night, on a bus or a subway. The exhibition of art works, information of the artists, art comments in Wechat attract the attention of the ordinary people. It’s unprecedented that art has spread so widely and passionately. Art designers’ work now totally depends on the existence of the computer and the network, without them, their work will be heavily affected. As someone says, IT technology is followed by communication, while communication is followed by cultural creative industries. The exhibition aims to review the history, evaluating experiences, so that the results serve the burgeoning cultural and creative industries.

What is the future? People have some expectations:

1 French Joseph Nicéphore Nièpce invented photography, to change the three-dimensional world to the two-dimensional, if it is possible to change the three-dimensional world to the three-dimensional;

2 Robots play a role in the future production of animation;

3 The three-dimensional animation emphasizes immersion and gameplay, stereoscopic cinema will be built everywhere, and the audience can be armed and ready to join the “battle”;

4 The spreading of artwork, the details of the copy look more realistic, such as texture, stroke, and so on;

5 Largely lowers the threshold of the film and television industry, it isn’t a myth to produce a film at ones’ own expense...

Some dreams haveactuallybeen achieved. We might also have more dreams, but perhaps we think about nothing, because we are on the road...

About the Exhibition

Title: Computer Art 20 Years 1993-2013

Duration: December 20- December 28, 2014

Venue: China Millennium Monument Museum of Digital Arts

Hosts: Art Committee of China Artists Association, Beijing Association for Digital Science and Technology Popularization and China Millennium Monument Museum of Digital Arts

Courtesy of the China Millennium Monument Museum of Digital Arts, translated by Chen Peihua and edited by Sue/CAFA ART INFO.