The New Florence Biennale 2013 - IX Edition

TEXT:Sue Wang    DATE: 2013.12.17

Poster of The New Florence Biennale 2013 - IX Edition

The Florence Biennale is one of the few international art events structured as a self-financed independent platform for contemporary art, where Artists from all over the world come to Florence to exhibit their work at the Fortezza da Basso, and share an inspiring, live, and unique experience. The event is patronised by the President of the Republic and Ministry of Cultural Heritage of Italy as well as the Regional, Provincial and Municipal authorities of the City of Florence.

Founded in 1997 by Pasquale and Piero Celona, in 2001 the Florence Biennale welcomed Jacopo Celona as Communication and PR manager of the organisation of which he is now Executive Director, coadiuvated by the curator Lilia Lamas and a team of professionals. This year the newly appointed Art Director of the Florence Biennale is Professor Rolando Bellini, who redefined its mission formulating the theme of the forthcoming IXth Edition. In synergy with the City of Florence, the Florence Biennale has conferred the "Lorenzo il Magnifico" Lifetime Achievement Award. In each edition, the International Jury of the "Lorenzo il Magnifico" Award assigns this tribute to individuals and organisations for distinguished merits in Art, Design, and Culture.

Themed "Ethics: DNA of Art' and called 'the New Florence Biennale' for its innovativeness, the IXth Florence Biennale opens way to a forthcoming cycle of editions inspired by the principles set forth in the Charter of the Artist of the New Millennium. The latter was presented at the XXXIII World Congress of UNESCO Centers, held on 11 March 2013 at Palazzo Vecchio, Florence, and ratified by Non-Governmental Organization participants as well as the Regional Authority of Tuscany.

As suggested by the theme 'Ethics: DNA of Art', the mission of the Florence Biennale is to stir some reflection and critical thinking about the relationship between art and ethics, and the role of the arts in the new millennium. Moving from a notion of art as unrelated to ethics and aesthetics towards a neo-Humanistic vision, in which creativity is the driving force of any system of knowledge. Accordingly, new frontiers will be explored in a design to reinterpret the fundamental values of Humanism, and thus re-establish the key role of artistic culture in the global realities of the present.

The IXth Florence Biennale unfolds into a series of collateral events which, through the work of contemporary artists presenting installations and performances in these historic Florentine venues, stirring perception, emotion, and cognition in the audience experiencing such events. Being a cooperative partner of the Florence Biennale, the Italian Association of Chinese Artists cooperates with the curator Dr. Wu Hongbin bringing about art works by 25 renowned contemporary artists from China which endowed the biennale of cultural integration with featured Chinese style.

The IXth Florence Biennale is expected to maintain its leading role on the international contemporary art scene. More than ever, the Florence Biennale will be an extraordinary opportunity to meet artists from all around the world, and participate to a plural dialogue about the intertwining of arts, ethics, and aesthetics for a sustainable new millennium.

Courtesy of the IXth Florence Biennale, for further information please visit