Series of Academic Activities for Celebrating 95th Anniversary of the Establishment of CAFA

TEXT:Sue Wang    DATE: 2013.11.1

18 The Alumni Homecoming Day of CAFA & Series of Activities for Celebrating 95th Anniversary of the Establishment of CAFA

It’s the 95th anniversary since the establishment of CAFA, adhering to the principles of “the simple, pragmatic, friendly and harmonious”, a series of activities to celebrate the 95th anniversary of the establishment of CAFA are going to be held at CAFA from October going through to November.

The Alumni Homecoming Day for the 95th Anniversary of the Establishment of CAFA was on October 18, 2013, and the initial ceremony of the Series of Activities for Celebrating the 95th Anniversary of the Establishment of CAFA was held at the square in front of the Multi-Purpose Hall in CAFA at 10:00 am, presided over by Gao Hong, Party Secretary of CAFA. Pan Gongkai, President of CAFA gave a speech of “Inheriting the Spirit of CAFA, to Create a Brilliant Century”. He said: “In the last 95 years, CAFA has given birth to a large number of masters, created a huge number of classic works, cultivated a number of talents! In the 95 years, CAFA has written the history of the development of modern art and modern art education in China! Over the 95 years, generations of people graduated from CAFA have formed and constantly enriched the spirit of CAFA, which is the most valuable asset for us!” Along with the speech, Pang Gongkai looked back and shared the development and achievements of CAFA, together with the presented alumni.

“Study as finely as possible, embrace as vastly as possible” is the motto

In his speech, Pan Gongkai announced that, “Study as finely as possible, embrace as vastly as possible” was officially set as the motto of CAFA. At the primary period of the establishment of CAFA, Xu Beihong had picked up “Study as finely as possible, embrace as vastly as possible”, from the sentence of “The Doctrine of the Mean” that was “Therefore gentlemen respect the virtues and learn the principles, study as finely as possible, embrace as vastly as possible, understand sophistication, act moderately, know the new from the old, be honest and respect courtesy”, in order to guide the drawing teaching and painting and shape. Xu Beihong’s teaching philosophy “Study as finely as possible, embrace as vastly as possible" embodied the spiritual qualities of CAFA. Today, the words also embodied the principles and feelings of “physically and mentally training, researching knowledge, study and innovation, serving the country”, which had always been adhered to by the people in CAFA, revealing the tradition and spirit of “Focusing on the mission, advocating the learning, respecting the talent, be inclusive”.

“Towards One Century – Special Film of the 95th Anniversary of the Establishment of CAFA” debuted.

To commemorate the 95th Anniversary of the establishment of CAFA, led by the Party Propaganda Department of CAFA, produced and finished by a team composed of the staff and students of the Digital Media professional department of the School of Design, “Towards One Century – Special Film of the 95th Anniversary of the Establishment of CAFA” was shown to the staff and students as well as alumni. From a new perspective, dictation of the people in CAFA of different ages as the main clue, by way of the latest video technology, the special film shows the history, development and achievements of the school over the 95 years, from the sections of history of CAFA, spirit of CAFA, construction of disciplines of CAFA in the new period, as well as international development. Manufacturing the special film was a useful teaching practice process, and also shows the achievements of digital teaching. It was highly praised by the present faculty, students and alumni.

“Exhibition for the History of CAFA” started a series of academic activities to celebrat the 95th anniversary of the establishment of CAFA

As an important part of the series of academic activities for celebrating the 95th anniversary of the establishment of CAFA, “Exhibition for the History of CAFA" officially opened on the Alumni Homecoming Day. Initially shown to the staff and students, the exhibition for the history of the school initially combed through the history of the school over the 95 years, which is the carrier, in order to inherit the long and rich cultural traditions, to make the spiritual qualities of CAFA concise, to gather the energy of the people of CAFA, to create a brilliant century.

Ahead of and after the alumni day, commemorations in a variety of forms and contents were held in CAFA. For example, a series of lectures of “High Mountains and Long Rivers – Teachers in National Beiping Art School” are held at the International Auditorium Room of CAFA Art Museum every Wednesday from September 18 to December 15, “Exhibition for the Decade of Teaching Achievements of the School of Design” was held on the second floor of the Design and Architectural Teaching Building from October 14 to October 18, “Exhibition for the Decade of Teaching Achievements of the School of Architecture” was held on the seventh floor of the Design and Architectural Teaching Building from October 15 to October 19, “Teaching Achievements of the Department of the Mural Exhibition” was held in the studios of the Department of Mural from October 13 to October 20, as well as “Exhibitions for Students from All Faculties” which are held in the galleries of the teaching buildings for all faculties from October 15 to December 31.

After the celebrating ceremony, the series of academic commemorations, including CAFA Teachers’ Works Exhibition, Studio Teaching Cases Exhibition, Selected Course Achievements Exhibition, Silent Peaches and Plums – Teaching and Study Exhibition for the First Studio of the Department of CAFA, International Universities Comparative Study Academic Discussion, National Art Development and Innovation Academic Discussion, CAFA Modern University Institution Academic Discussion, History of School Discussion, Presidents from International Academies Forum, Quiz of the History of the School, will also be opened to the public.

Photo: Hu Zhiheng, Song Manqing

Translated by Chen Peihua and edited by Sue/CAFA ART INFO