1/2 Scene: North Village Independent Workshop & Australian Artists Group on Display at XLY MoMA, Chengdu

TEXT:Sue Wang    DATE: 2013.6.14

Poster of A Half Scene North Village Independent Workshop & Australian Artists Group Show

North Village Independent Workshop is an art-practice platform where a group of people automatically organize experiments on thoughts and views. Since it established in November 2007, it has become a significant art organization in southwest, which held plenty of exhibitions, from "Turnout of Two Ribs"(2010) to " 2012 Site Creation"(20011), from "Forking Garden"(2010) to "Two Men on Board a Boat"(2012), each exhibition is an automatically organized conflicts and arrangement, constantly reflects its cultural logic and art structure.

"A Half Scene"----the 8th exhibition of North Village Independent Workshop is divided into two parts, two places, as well as two time and space. As an independent project in "SEE/SAW" exhibition of UCCA, "A Half Scene" has been conducted; Another "A Half Scene" Show will be held in XLY MoMA in Chengdu. The two shows are separated in different time and space. Firstly it is to show a brand new attitude toward exhibition: to object to the conventional "classic" system in contemporary art exhibition, and to object to a "complete" desire or attempt of subject by declaring the "incomplete" form of itself, therefore, it puts forward a "subject" issue of exhibition, and put a way of separated combination into its practice.

Installation View of A Half Scene North Village Independent Workshop & Australian Artists Group Show 01

Installation View of A Half Scene North Village Independent Workshop & Australian Artists Group Show 01

Installation View of A Half Scene North Village Independent Workshop & Australian Artists Group Show 02

Installation View of A Half Scene North Village Independent Workshop & Australian Artists Group Show 02

Installation View of A Half Scene North Village Independent Workshop & Australian Artists Group Show 03

Installation View of A Half Scene North Village Independent Workshop & Australian Artists Group Show 03

Celeste Geer, Then the Wind Changed, 2011

Celeste Geer, Then the Wind Changed, 2011

Melanie Irwin, Surface Tension, 2013

Melanie Irwin, Surface Tension, 2013

The works in the exhibition all conform to a dual structure: live and post-live. This intention is indicated or explained by the texts in some works. This is a reflection, which includes inter-textual meaning. The dual structure is the resonance and identity of one exhibition/work subject occurring between two objective environments, which hinder the becoming of cultural textures that are connected as well as distinctive. What kind of combination and consequence the dialogue between these two things will result in? It is a question worth expecting. An exhibition is an extension or attachment of another exhibition? Or two independent structure? Observing the exhibition in the perspective of two shows, it definitely will produce different experience and value. It is an issue waiting to be completed whether the inter-textual connection will be produced.

By Wei Yan, 4th May 2013

About the exhibition

Location: XLY MoMA

Exhibition Dates: Friday 07/06/13 - Sunday 07/07/13

Opening: PM3:00, 7th, JUN,2013

Artists: Wei Yan, Chen Weicai, Chen Xianhui, Deng Xiao , He Liping, Ji Guozhu, Li Yongkai , LI Yongzheng, Luo Li, Mao Weixin , Zhao Mi, Zhao Huan, Zhou Hehe, Xiong Yan, Wen Hao, Chen Qiang, Liu Chunyao , Zhang Yu, Leela Schauble , Lisa Roet, MELAINE IRWIN, Janet Laurence, Celeste Geer

Organizers: XLY MoMA/Australia China Art Foundation (ACAF)

Supporters: Ullens Center for Contemporary Art_ UCCA

Curators: Wei Yan Xu Liaoyuan Yashian Schauble

Producer: The North Village Independent Workshop

Invited Guests: Li Liang(art consultant of the White RabbitGallery/Australia), Shen Shaomin(artist)

Courtesy of the artists, XLY MoMA and Australia China Art Foundation, for further information please visit http://acaf.org.au/.